"Requiring secure contexts for all new features
Effective immediately, all new features that are web-exposed are to be restricted to secure contexts. Web-exposed means that the feature is observable from a web page or server, whether through JavaScript, CSS, HTTP, media formats, etc. A feature can be anything from an extension of an existing IDL-defined object, a new CSS property, a new HTTP response header, to bigger features such as WebVR. In contrast, a new CSS color keyword would likely not be restricted to secure contexts.
Exceptions to requiring secure contexts
There is room for exceptions, provided justification is given to the dev.platform mailing list. This can either be inside the “Intent to Implement/Ship” email or a separate dedicated thread. It is up to Mozilla’s Distinguished Engineers to judge the outcome of that thread and ensure the dev.platform mailing list is notified. Expect to be granted an exception if:
other browsers already ship the feature insecurely
it can be demonstrated that requiring secure contexts results in undue implementation complexity."
ЧТОА? Давайте требовать HTTPS для ВСЕХ новых фич с целью проталкивания HTTPS, ДАЖЕ если для данной фичи это ничего ровным счетом не дает?
Ну то есть говорят они, вау, будем поддерживать скажем воспроизведение MKV в браузере, но только по https? Я все понимаю, и дичайше одобряю HTTPS, но это уже маразм.