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"But aside from how it makes end-users feel, there is an arguably more important perspective to be had: how it makes software companies feel. For context, the project I work in is an open-source cross-platform notes app that's available on most platforms, including web, Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. All the desktop applications are based off the main web codebase, and are bundled using Electron, while the iOS and Android app use their own native codebases respectively, one in Swift and the other in Kotlin. And as a new company without a lot of resources, this setup has just barely allowed us to enter the marketplace. Three codebases is two too many codebases to maintain. Every time we make a change, we have to make it in three different places, violating the most sacred tenet of computer science of keeping it DRY. As a one-person team deploying on all these platforms, even the most minor change will take at minimum three development days, one for each codebase. This includes debugging, fixing, testing, bundling, deploying, and distributing every single codebase. This is by no means an easy task."
Какие еще, нафиг, могут быть вопросы?
"open-source cross-platform notes app that's available on most platforms, including web, Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android"
хуяк-хуяк и кросплатформа
"as a new company without a lot of resources, this setup has just barely allowed us to enter the marketplace"
У нас осенна мала деньга сьтобы писять нормальний кот.
"Three codebases is two too many codebases to maintain."
Широкий как море, глубокий как лужа. Или проще сказать "глотаем больше чем можем прожевать"?
"As a one-person team deploying on all these platforms..."